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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281


Some useful links

Blakehurst High's own careers website aims to provide you with the latest information about your future career and life beyong High School. This site has a wealth of career information for students and parents, as well as the latest news and events.

Another helpful site for members of Blakehurst High School community is the Myfuture site. This site will allow students and parents to gauge and understand their career prospects in the future.

Careers programme outline

Students at Blakehurst High School experience an ongoing extensive series of careers activities and opportunities. The programme includes:

  • Work experience is available to all students in Years 10, 11 and 12. It is not obligatory and operates as a very flexible programme. The bulk of placements occur in Year 10, including accessing host employers, consent forms, student briefing, placement monitoring, employer feedback and student de-briefing.
  • Students planning to leave before the HSC are counselled extensively and provided with a transition plan to help them find work or full-time post-secondary study.

The Year 12 careers programme includes:

  • university day available to all interested students - a market where students gain information from university representatives.
  • TAFE and training day – similar format to university day, involving all of the local colleges of TAFE plus various group training companies.
  • Guest speakers from UAC and the TAFE system, who explain application procedures, fees, costs and the do's & don'ts of choosing courses.

Each student's goals and needs are ascertained by means of a mid-year survey plus tear-off request sections of a series of Year 12 careers newsletters – things such as:

  • scholarship and cadetship applications, seminars and open days, interviews and registration by job-seekers with group training companies, applications for the E.A.S. programme (for students with  long-term educational disadvantage), other special entry schemes for various  universities, distribution of specific TAFE course details and application forms,  plus information about activities and schemes catering to international students.
  • Students in all Years gain assistance with accessing information and insight into a wide range of agencies,  occupations and training opportunities by means of excursions, guest speakers, the careers library, careers noticeboards and announcements.
  • An updated careers file is kept on every student in Years 9-12 student, recording each careers activity, choice and document, culminating in an exit plan.