Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Extension history

Extension history enables students to build on the utcomes of the Stage 6 ancient history and modern history courses in relation to historiography and historical enquiry and communication. The course is aimed at using specific historical investigations to reflect on the nature of history and how and why approaches and interpretations change over time. HSC extension history is designed to enhance the development of critical and reflective thinking skills, essential for effective participation in work, higher learner and the broader community.

statue of a historical figure

Extension history is available to ancient and modern history student in the HSC year only (60 hours). This is a one unit course. Students will study:

  • part 1: what is history - historiography and case studies, example, JFK, Elizabeth I
  • part 2: history project - students learn historical skills of:
    • developing a proposal for a historical investigation
    • locating, selecting, analysing, synthesising and evaluating information from a range of historical sources
    • presenting research findings through a well-structured historical text
    • appropriate referencing
    • preparing a bibliography
    • reviewing key sources
    • reflecting on process and product and apply the skills by designing and conducting their own historical investigation.