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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Modern history challenges students to consider the great social, technological, economic, political and moral transformations from the late eighteenth century to the present. It requires students to analyse the causes, progress and effects of these transformations and, finally, to make judgements about them. Modern history is especially relevant to the lives of students, as the events and issues that form its content are, in many cases, still current.

Modern history is studied over two years.

a black and white photo of 2 soldiers in a war

In the preliminary course (120 hours), students will study:

  • part I: case studies - at least two case studies should be undertaken, for example, Slave trade, 19th Century China
  • part II: historical investigation - students choose a topic of interest, research and present
  • part III: core study: The World at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.


In the HSC course (120 hours), students will study:

  • part I: core study: World War I 1914–1919: A Source-based Study
  • part II: one national study, for example, Nazi Germany
  • part III: one personality in the Twentieth Century, for example, Albert Speer
  • part IV: one international study in peace and conflict, for example, Cold War.