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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8)

At Blakehurst High School, students in Stage 4 study both history and geography.

illustration of pyramids

History mandatory Stage 4 has been designed to provide students with an understanding of world history from ancient times to the modern world and the basic skills required for the effective study of history.


The content is divided into 4 topics with internal options:

  • Topic 1: Investigating History
  • Topic 2: Societies and Civilisations of the Past
  • Topic 3: The Western and Islamic World
  • Topic 4: The Asia Pacific World


Stage 4 geography incorporates learning related to global geography and the interaction of human and physical elements of the environment in a global context.

an illustration of a globe

The study of geography develops a wide range of skills such as gathering, organising, evaluating and communicating geographical information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including fieldwork.


The content is divided into 4 topics with internal options:

  • 4G1: Investigating the World
  • 4G2: Global Environments
  • 4G3: Global Change
  • 4G4: Global Issues and the Role of Citizenship.