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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Stage 5 design and technology

Do you like:

  • designing things
  • making them
  • testing them to see if they are any good
  • learning about and using technology?

If the answer is yes, then design and technology may be the subject for you. Design and technology is a practical, design based course.

During the course a student will:

  • learn design skills in research, innovation, practical problem solving and evaluation
  • find out about the technology used to make objects in modern industry
  • learn how industries are set up and managed
  • develop documentation skills through the use of design folios
  • learn construction skills to allow you to manage and build a major project of their own design.

The course content will be addressed primarily through the use of a number of practical based mini design projects as well as associated investigation and research of materials and processes. Projects currently include a nutcracker, a keepsafe, and the major project of the student's own design.