Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Principal's Message

Welcome to Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst is a large comprehensive, co-educational high school with over 1000 students, located in the southern suburbs of Sydney.

The school prides itself on its outstanding academic record, with excellent results in external assessments such as NAPLAN and the Higher School Certificate. Blakehurst is considered one of the leading comprehensive high schools in the Sydney Region.  Our students come from a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. We are proud of our inclusiveness. 

Staff at Blakehurst High School are professional and dynamic, educational practioners. Parents/carers often comment on staff professionalism and willingness to support our students. Staff are totally committed to continual improvement of teaching and learning in order to achieve the best educational outcomes for our students. All staff are involved in ongoing, targeted professional learning to achieve this shared objective.

Blakehurst High School has a vibrant P&C organisation which actively involves itself in the operation of the school.

I feel very privileged to be the Principal of such a wonderful school.

My aim for Blakehurst High School is to continue to build on its excellence; to work with the school community and improve on our achievements.  Recent academic results show steady growth and that the staff is committed to ensuring it continues.

I am sure that by working together with the whole school community, we can make Blakehurst High School even better than it already is today.

Please feel free to contact the school or myself if you require further information.

Yours faithfully

Sophie Kapsimalis
