Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

International students

Blakehurst High School welcomes international students and exchange students to study in a safe and supportive learning environment. We are recognised for our strong and well-established international students' program and enrol approximately 60 international students each year.

Our teachers are committed and determined to provide every student with a good learning environment and any assistance in helping the students pursue and fulfil their academic and personal achievements. Our international students perform well in the Higher School Certificate each year. Our Dux in the 2011 and 2013 HSC was an international student.

Students in Year 10 are provided with additional English tuition to assist a successful transition into the senior school.

Blakehurst High School is a culturally diverse school which encourages the interaction between students with various cultures and backgrounds. Blakehurst High School embraces this opportunity for foreign and local students to exchange cultures and enjoy this cross-cultural experience. This is supported by our Student Representative Council and Student Prefect body who are actively working to include international students into all aspects of school life.

Our international student Co-ordinator organises support for our student after they have enrolled at Blakehurst High School. She will organise a "buddy" to help students settle into a new learning environment and contacts parents and guardians regularly to support student's new life in Australia. Students' attendance, academic performance and welfare are regularly monitored to ensure that they can achieve well.

For more information, including how to gain a placement (enrolment) at Blakehurst High School, please contact the International Student Centre.



Telephone: 1300 300 229

Please find the Local Enrolment Area attached here. 

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