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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281


Assessment, consistency and moderation

Our mathematics department uses the method of assessment, consistency and moderation to assess students, as outlined by the Department of Education and Communities.

Assessment allows us to identify, collect and analyse information about students' learning. It provides information on student achievement and progress and allows teachers to direct the teaching and learning of students. Assessment activities can be both formal and informal.

Consistency in assessment enables us as teachers to make judgments about student learning that are not dependent on the individual teacher, student, location or time and are based on a shared understanding of syllabus standards of learning.

Teachers establish a structured process where meetings occur to discuss the teaching, learning and assessment process in order to maintain and enhance consistency.

Moderation is a process where teachers compare judgments to either confirm or adjust them.

This involves close collaboration to establish a shared understanding of what achievement of syllabus standards looks like and whether or not the student has demonstrated achievement of the syllabus standard. Teachers work towards making judgments that are consistent and comparable.

Further information on assessing mathematics can be obtained from the Department of Education and Training website. 

Assessment dates

The following weeks change slightly each year to take into account other activities in the school (e.g. NAPLAN, camps, carnivals, assessments from other subjects). Assuming 10 week terms the following is a good guide.

In addition, Years 7-10 have an additional grading test at the end of Term 4, typically in the second or third last week of school. The results of this exam are used with their term assessment results to determine their class for the following year.

Year 7

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Assessment weeks

week 10

week 5

week 7

week 5 and 8

Year 8

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Assessment weeks

week 9

week 3

week 4

week 5 and 8

Year 9

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Assessment weeks

week 8

week 2

week 4

week 4 and 9

Year 10

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Assessment weeks

week 8

week 3

week 4

week 3 and 8

Year 11 – preliminary

General mathematics and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 1: week 9

Term 2 - task 2: week 7

Term 3 - task 3: week 5 and task 4: during exam block weeks 9/10

Term 4 - HSC task 1

Task weighting



20% and 40%


General mathematics and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 1: week 9

Term 2 - task 2: week 7

Term 3 - task 3: week 5 and task 4: during exam block weeks 9/10

Term 4 - HSC task 1

Task weighting



20% and 40%


Extension 1 and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 1: week 10

Term 2 - task 2: week 8

Term 3 - task 3: week 6 and task 4: during exam block weeks 9/10

Term 4 - HSC task 1: week

Extension 1 and assessment dates

Term 4 - HSC Task 1: week

Task weighting



20% and 40%


Task weighting


Year 12 – HSC

General Mathematics 1 & 2 and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 2: half yearly exam block (weeks 9/10)

Term 2 - task 3: week 7

Term 3 - task 4: HSC trial exams (weeks 3/4)

Term 4 - HSC (General 2 only)

Mathematics and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 2: half yearly exam block (weeks 9/10)

Term 2 - task 3: week 7

Term 3 - task 4: HSC trial exams (weeks 3/4)

Term 4 - HSC 

Extension 1 and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 2: half yearly exam block (weeks 9/10)

Term 2 - task 3: week 8

Term 3 - task 4: HSC trial exams (weeks 3/4)

Term 4 - HSC 

Extension 2 and assessment dates

Term 1 - task 2: half yearly exam block (weeks 9/10)

Term 2 - task 3: week 9

Term 3 - task 4: HSC trial exams (weeks 3/4)

Term 4 - HSC 

Task weighting





Task weighting





Task weighting





Task weighting


