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Blakehurst High School

Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

Year 7

During their first year in High School all Year 7 students are given the opportunity to engage with interesting and educational programs. Below is an outline of the units studied in Year 7.

Term 1

My World and the World of Others

This unit will allow students to focus on self-identity, culture and multiculturalism as they place themselves in Australian society and become aware of others. Students will develop a range of skills and values through the modes of reading, writing, speaking, listening and representing.

Term 2

Fantasy or Myths and Legends Genre study

An illustration of an illuminating book.

In this unit, students will study the genre of fantasy or myths and legends as they appear in novels, films and visual texts will develop student's experiences of literature from other countries and times. Students will closely study how a novel or a mythical or legendary tale expresses the genre. They will also study aspects of narrative writing such as themes, plot, point of view, character, descriptive writing and other narrative and language features. Students will develop the skills of reflection, evaluation, editing and composition. Students will respond to and compose texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure.


Novels studied include 

  • The Hobbit
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The Legends of King Arthur.

Term 3

Animals – theme study


In this unit students will investigate the role of animals in our society and our responsibility towards them. This will be achieved through activities such as reading and analysing short stories, poetry, advertising, non-fiction, multi-media and visual texts.


Technology will be used to research and represent ideas.


Students will be evaluated on their PowerPoint/website presentation and assessed on the advertising campaign and brochure.


The cross-curriculum priorities addressed in this unit are: sustainability, ethical understanding, information and communication technology capability, literacy, numeracy, personal and social capability, work and enterprise.


Term 4


an image of a happy and sad theatre mask.

This unit completes the year with students involved in performance and the study of the elements and history of drama.


In addition, students develop an understanding of theme and purpose of plays through analysis of scripts. They represent their understanding of dramatic techniques and show how these convey a play's theme and purpose. Students will work collaboratively in a team to complete the group assessment task.

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