Blakehurst High School

Nihil Sine Labore - Nothing Without Hard Work

Telephone02 9546 3281

School Photos Thursday 28th March 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,

Blakehurst High School Annual Photo Day is on Thursday 28th March 2024. If you wish to purchase photos, we recommend you order and pay via the secure online Advancedorder web portal specifically set up for our school using the school's unique 9-digit online ordering code, CXZ NN3 VXA.  Please see attached flyer for more details. You will also have the option of cash payments using the envelopes given to your child this week. This envelope will need to be given to the photographers on photo day, not to a teacher or the office. Parents who place their order online do not need to return the order envelope.

If you wish to have a sibling photo taken, this may be ordered online also or via the separate sibling photograph order envelope which students can collect from the office, if required.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Koutsoukos, Photo Day Coordinator on 95463281 Ext 134.